What is hemp extract?
It is Industrial Hemp, it contains several cannabinoids, terpenes and other compounds and together can be extracted into a hemp extract. Very pure part of the cannabis plant.) The purest part of the cannabis plan, grown under strict guidelines.
What are cannabinoids?
(Anandamide, and endocannabinoid (endo – naturally produced by the body), creates the feeling of “runner’s high”, other common phytocannabinoids (phyto- from plants) are known by their abbreviations. The most commonly referenced are CBC, CBD, CBG, CBN, THC.
How does the body use cannabinoids?
(The body has an endocannabinoid system (ECS. Some research has found the ECS to be involved in the regulation of the nervous system, cardiovascular functions, and the immune system, including brain chemistry balance and pain management centers.
What cannabinoids are found in hemp extract?
What cannabinoids are found in hemp extract? Each hemp extract is different based on
extraction methods and raw materials.
extraction methods and raw materials.
What is the difference between hemp and marijuana?
Hemp has been used for rope, fibers, clothing, and food for thousands of years. In modern times, the legal aspects of THC caused growers and producers to differentiate between strains of cannabis (plants that have been bred over time) designed for use for their fiber’s vs food vs for their THC content. Today, the strains of cannabis that have been bred to have an extremely low amount of THC and contain a maximum of 0.3% THC by dry weight, are legally known as “industrial hemp” – as the plants are processed for an industry like food or fiber. Any strains of cannabis with a higher amount of THC are collectively known as marijuana. The difference between industrial hemp and cannabis is carefully regulated by each state through testing throughout the growing process. Since there are many different strains of hemp available – each one with different potential uses, industrial hemp growers must carefully combine the right seeds, growing conditions, and harvest time for their application. If at any point in the process a plant is tested and shows more than 0.3% THC, state regulations usually require that the entire field of crops must be destroyed.
Do all hemp products contain THC?
Only certain parts of the hemp plant contain THC. Hemp seeds or hemp seed oil, for example, do nor contain THC or any other cannabinoids. Hemp rope or cloth has no THC. All current strains of hemp do contain THC in their flowers, which is also the source of other cannabinoids. By selectively processing hemp extract, it is possible to remove all the THC. THC-free are made using this type of hemp extract.